Malin Uhlén

Disciplin: Glas och keramik
Stipendieår: 2024

Nominerande institution: Konstfack

Nomineringskommitté: Anna Mlasowsky, Karin Blomgren, Jakob Nordenskjöld, Ann-Britt Haglund, Emma Friedberg, Sara Lundkvist, Kristin Larson

Stipendiestiftelse: Jubelfonden



Malin Uhlén has during her MFA studies developed a new and unique material process to achieve the multi-textured ceramic surfaces in her work.

She combines both dried and smashed clay chunks, fired, wet and liquid clay of different kinds in a single sculpture. Her experimental process had let to her creating delicate and vibrant sculptures that questions the human impact on environments and earths geologic history.

Already pushing the boundaries of the field of ceramics, in the future Uhlén will be a central practitioner reshaping the landscape of Swedish ceramics. To be successful she needs the resources that enable her time and space to establish herself outside the university for which she has concrete visions.