Josefin Burmester-Andersson
Disciplin: Keramik och Glas
Stipendieår: 2020
Nominerande institution: Konstfack
Matt Smith, professor och Agneta Linton, prorektor/adjungerad professor.
Stipendiestiftelse: Jubelfonden
Josefin works with glass. Her research explores how glass and light can be used to create sensory environments which promote wellbeing and positivity. The blown glass vessels which form the core of the practice speak of the fluidity of glass and the movement which is at the heart of glass blowing. Josefin has shown a strong commitment to her practice and a desire to explore how the work can be placed and translated into different settings, including site specific installations and gallery shows. She has consistently shown herself open to new ways of thinking about, and communicating her practice. She has also been a very collegiate and encouraging colleague to the other students and generously shared her knowledge and research into practice with the glass studio during her studies.