Johanna Bylén
Disciplin: Glas och keramik
Stipendieår: 2024
Nominerande institution: Konstfack
Nomineringskommitté: Anna Mlasowsky, Jakob Nordenskjöld, Emma Friedberg, Kristin Larson
Stipendiestiftelse: Jubelfonden
Johanna Bylén has pursued her own path during her studies and forged quietly resonating work that touch on lived experience. She puts into form both the longing to understand one self, the confusion about being in and of this world as well as a dark humor that embodies the conflicts we find within us.
Her work stands out through its own aesthetic, juxtaposing heavy physical presence with the immateriality of transparency.
Bylén is an outlier in contemporary Swedish glass and will enrich the scene with her unique approach in the future. This award gives her the financial grounding to pursue a career in the field after graduation.