Jessica Westerberg

Disciplin: Rektorsstipendiet, Glas och keramik
Stipendieår: 2024

Nominerande institution: Konstfack

Nomineringskommitté: Anna Mlasowsky, Karin Blomgren, Jakob Nordenskjöld, Ann-Britt Haglund, Emma Friedberg, Sara Lundkvist, Kristin Larson

Stipendiestiftelse: Jubelfonden



Jessica Westerberg is a truly outstanding student who despite having to overcome personal hardship, has produced the most ambitious and successful work that uses her adversities and disabilities to reflect on acceptance of chaos, imperfection, and diversity.

Her work is formally compelling, employs complex material combinations and touches emotionally. We have rarely seen someone so dedicated to their practice and with such high expectations on themselves.

She represents the new generation of glass artists in Sweden that both work within the existing tradition, but push to expand both the material vocabulary, scale of the work and conceptual depth.

This award would give her the confidence to pursue her passion and the financial freedom to establish herself in Stockholm after graduation.